Lari Dee Guy & Hope Thompson's Breakaway Series
Lari Dee Guy and Hope Thompson break down the fundamentals of breakaway roping—from applying a breakaway honda to fine-tuning practice sessions.
Practice Session on Super Chrome "Ink"
Hope Thompson and Lari Dee Guy dive into a high-level practice session with Super Chrome Ink, focusing on fine-tuning their mental and technical approach to competition. Hope discusses transitioning horses between events, the importance of confidence in the box, and how small adjustments can make...
Lari Dee Guy Practices On Finished Rodeo Horse "Ace"
Lari Dee Guy takes the reins on Hope Thompson’s gelding, Ace, working on keeping him forward and engaged. Ace habitually drops his hind end in the box rather than driving forward, which can throw off a rider’s timing. Lari Dee keeps her hands and feet moving with him to maintain balance and respo...
Practice Session on a Tighter Breakaway Horse with Hope Thompson
Hope Thompson practices on a tighter breakaway mare, which is different than her usual style of horse. While Lari Dee Guy watches and breaks down runs, Thompson focuses on keeping the horse attuned to her body and moving through her throw. She focuses on roping for herself in this practice sessio...
Breakaway Practice Session on Finished Rodeo Horse "Chance" with Lari Dee Guy
Lari Dee Guy practices on friend's Taylor Fluellen finished breakaway horse "Chance," who has a habit of anticipating the nod. Guy and Hope Thompson break down the runs, discussing small improvements including mental game and choosing which breeds of calves to make a competitive run on.
Standard Rope Length
Breakaway rope length is a personal choice that varies between ropers. Lari Dee Guy and Hope Thompson discuss their standard breakaway rope length as well as the circumstances that will lead them to shortening their rope.
How to Apply a Nothin But Neck Breakaway Honda with Lari Dee Guy
A Nothin But Neck breakaway honda is Lari Dee Guy's practice honda of choice, and she shows how to apply one with electrical tape, scissors, and Phillips head screwdriver.