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Inside the Relentless Remuda

Protecting Your Rope Horse Investment

5m 15s

Up Next in Horsemanship

  • Reinforcing Respect in the Bridle

    Consistent, small cues are critical in a rope horse program. Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker explain how they reinforce their cues and how they insure their horses are listening.

  • Switchenders

    Some horses are more natural in the heading, while others excel in the heeling. In young horses, it's not always easy to know which way a horse should go. Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker like to head and heel on their green horses to help them develop and to figure out where they belong.

  • Controlling Controllables

    In team roping, perfection can hold you back. Growing through imperfection is what makes you a better winner, says Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker.