Most team ropers are riding cow-bred horses, and they often write in asking Trevor Brazile how to add speed to them and keep them running to the cow. In this video, Brazile and Miles Baker break down how they get the most out of their cow-bred horses.
Up Next in Horsemanship
Facing on Young Horses
Miles Baker demonstrates how he reinforces Keeping your horse’s shoulders moving.
Holding the Saddle Horn or Cocking th...
Are you faster when you cock your rope in the corner or when you hold the saddle horn? Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker analyze their swings from each position and talk through which is best.
Should You Cock Your Rope at the Aria...
Things happen fast at the Ariat World Series of Team Roping Finale. Are you better off cocking your rope for a fast first swing, or holding the saddle horn out of the box? Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker pass along their experience and opinion.