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Even the best head horses in the game have setbacks in their training. Trevor Brazile addresses how situations he put his young horse in created some problems, and how he's addressing them in the practice pen.
Up Next in Horsemanship
Understanding the Hingeport Correction
A hingeport correction is a common choice for ropers and trainers alike, and the bit can help add flex through the corner. Here's how Brazile uses it.
Understanding Correction Bit
Correction bits have their place in the right hands in the roping pen. Here's how to use them in your program.
Jackpot Rope Prep
Trevor Brazile has won 26 world titles and brings those skills to his partnership with Cactus Ropes. With Cactus' Barry Berg, Brazile has designed his Relentless line of ropes that's ready to go from the first swing.