Training Sessions with Breakaway Ropers Heading to Vegas

Training Sessions with Breakaway Ropers Heading to Vegas

5 Seasons

Train with our five coaches who will be heading to Vegas for the 2024 NFBR!

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Training Sessions with Breakaway Ropers Heading to Vegas
  • Q&A with Shelby Boisjoli and Kelsie Domer

    Episode 1

    Q&A with Shelby Boisjoli and Kelsie Domer

  • Working Through Issues with a Box Sour Horse

    Episode 2

    Watch as Shelby Boisjoli and Kelsie Domer help a young roper work through box problems with her horse. 

  • Leg Pressure and Release in the Corner

    Episode 3

    Boisjoli works with a young breakaway roper who is having problems getting her horse to break to the pin and leave smoothly. She breaks down the correct ways to use leg pressure to move your horse in the box and in the arena. 

  • Tip Direction and Angle

    Episode 4

    Kelsie Chace-Domer has a unique ability to keep her rope high leaving the corner. Lari Dee Guy and Chace-Domer discuss how that affects her catch percentages and how she uses her horse to help her get her swing up.

  • Where Do You Hold Your Rope in the Box?

    Episode 5

    Breakaway ropers have to throw FAST, so how they start their rope in the box matters. Lari Dee Guy and Kelsie Chace-Domer talk about the different ways ladies start in the box and how they start their swings from the corner to get the most power and momentum.

  • The Breakaway Roper's First Swing

    Episode 6

    The breakaway ropers' first swing should be wide over the chute in order to get momentum and power. Lari Dee Guy and Kelsie Chace-Domer explain how Kelsie's first swing is so dominant.

  • Physical Strength in Breakaway Roping

    Episode 7

    Kelsie Chace-Domer uses her athleticism and strength to define her style of breakaway roping. Chace-Domer and Lari Dee Guy analyzes how are physical strength keeps her in good position throughout a run no matter what the calf or the horse does.

  • Littleman: What Makes Kelsie Chace-Domer's Good One So Good

    Episode 8

    Kelsie Chace-Domer has long been dominant on Littleman, her great breakaway horse. Chace-Domer and Lari Dee Guy assess what makes him so good.

  • Three Strengths That Keep Kelsie Chace-Domer on Top

    Episode 9

    Kelsie Chace-Domer has three key elements to her breakaway roping that keep her at the top of her game. Here's what they are and why they help set her apart.

  • The Breakaway Roper's Job

    Episode 10

    What is the breakaway roper's actual job? Kelsie Chace-Domer and Lari Dee Guy talk about executing.

  • Working Multiple Events

    Episode 11

    What advice to the best breakaway ropers and headers and heelers in the world have for young girls working multiple events? Lari Dee Guy and Kelsie Chace-Domer talk about how to manage your swing and your horses across multiple events.

  • Staying Sharp on the Road Without Practice

    Episode 12

    Lari Dee Guy and Kelsie Chace are still adjusting to life on the rodeo road. Here's how they battle the mental struggles of ProRodeo without the kind of practice they're used to at home.

  • Trouble-Shooting "Cheating" Horses

    Episode 13

    Kelsie Chace-Domer has been trying to figure out what she's doing to get her horse scotching in the breakaway roping. She and Lari Dee Guy analyze her horsemanship and her riding to problem solve.

  • Trouble-Shooting Pressure Situations on a Seasoned Horse

    Episode 14

    Hope Thompson is riding Lari Dee Guy's great old horse Gangster, who has been to every major setup in the sport. Gangster got a reputation as getting short, but Guy and Thompson brought him to this video shoot to test out if it's THEM or if it's Gangster. The results may just surprise you.

  • Practice on Breakaway Horses vs. Tie-Down Runs

    Episode 15

    Kelsie Chace-Domer is one of the few women who ropes tie-down calves and breakaway calves. She talks about the different ways she practices for each event through her horsemanship.

  • Kelsie Chace-Domer | Pre-Major Event Practice Session

    Episode 16

    Kelsie Domer prepares for the 2021 WPRA World Finals with Lari Dee Guy on her good horse Little Man, and we bring you into the practice pen with her.

  • Smarty Roping Lesson with Kelsie Domer

    Episode 17

    WPRA World Champion Kelsie Domer gives advice on the Smarty at the Smarty Young Pro clinic. She discusses topics such as fundamentals, making practice more realistic and rope angles.