Team Roping Mental Game

Team Roping Mental Game

Unleash the power of your mental game with our team roping-specific mental game video library. These videos, with masters of mental game like Trevor Brazile, Jake Barnes and Clay O’Brien Cooper, offer invaluable insights into honing your mental focus, resilience and confidence in the arena. Whether you're facing pressure in competition or looking to enhance your overall performance, our mental game videos provide expert guidance to help you reach your roping goals

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Team Roping Mental Game
  •  Gamblers’ Mindset

    Jake Barnes talks about the gambling mindset that has helped, and hurt, him over the years and how it has impacted his life and career.

  • Overcoming Challenges When Adding Speed

    Brock Hanson and Ryan Motes ask their horses to run faster cattle in practice, dealing with the challenges associated with asking for more run.

  • Making the Most of a Miss

    A miss—especially in the practice pen—isn't always a bad thing. Here's how you can still make a win out of a no-time at home.

  • Staying Motivated in the Horse Business

    The trick to staying motivated as a horse trainer and competitor according to Justin Briggs.

  • Mental Barriers to Team Roping

    Team roping can be frustrating, especially if you're putting in the extra time in the practice pen and not seeing the results. Kolton Schmidt talks through how he overcomes the pressure and stress in team roping.

  • World Series of Team Roping Finale Mental Prep

    The Ariat World Series of Team Roping FInale is undoubtedly the most money any roper has ever competed for. How do you prepare to be under the bright lights of Las Vegas, in the South Point Arena, with your money up? Two-time World Champion Patrick Smith talks about how he suggests you prepare yo...

  • Mental Preparation Before a Major Event

    Can you over practice? For Kolton Schmidt, the answer is yes. To win the 2021 BFI Reno Open, he worked on his mental game far more than his roping, and it paid off in a big way. Here's his strategy.

  • Handling High-Pressure Situations

    What's the best way to handle your nerves? Hunter Koch explains how he tackles high-pressure situations heeling. 

  • Mental Prep with Trevor Brazile and Patrick Smith | Legend

    Not many ropers know more about the ups and downs of rodeo than Trevor Brazile and Patrick Smith. Listen as they share their thoughts on having a short memory, staying positive, and fitting roping into the bigger picture in life in this clip from the Legend film.

  • Trevor Brazile's Secret to Battling In-Arena Nerves

    Does Trevor Brazile still get nervous, even after $7 million in earnings and 26 gold buckles? Yes, yes he does. It's how he deals with them that sets him apart. 

  • The Short-Round Mentality

    Trevor Brazile has been in a short round or two. In this video, he talks through how he prepares himself mentally for a high-pressure situation and thinks through jackpot scenarios that require him to use his head as much as his rope. 

  • How to Prepare to Win in Team Roping

    Charly Crawford kicks off his teaching at the Smarty Young Pro clinic by discussing the most important aspects of team roping and how to prepare yourself to win, mentally and physically. He starts with the importance of practicing for less-than-ideal shots, and dives into sports psychology and ho...

  • Building a Blueprint for Mental Toughness

    Confidence comes from having a blueprint for understanding what works in heeling. Knowing what lets you catch two feet, time and time again, is critical in heeling. Two-time World Champion Patrick Smith says he's a work in progress in this department, and he explains to a student how to build tha...

  • Winning or Learning

    Charly Crawford shares some tips for being successful in both life and the roping arena. 

  • Beginner | Jake's Thoughts On The Learning Process

    Jake Barnes introduces new-roper Ricky to team roping, and in this video he explains the learning process in team roping.

  • How the Start Translates to Competition and Handling Pressure

    Professional horseman Justin Briggs discusses how and why he has developed a method of starting colts that doesn't rely upon training through fatigue.

  • Beginner | Working Through Frustration as a New Roper

    Jake Barnes introduces new-roper Ricky to team roping, and in this video they talk through battling frustration as a beginner. 

  • Controlling Controllables

    In team roping, perfection can hold you back. Growing through imperfection is what makes you a better winner, says Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker.

  • Dick Yates' Team Roping Wisdom

    Dick Yates qualified for 13 Wrangler National Finals Rodeos, and in his 85 years he’s seen team roping go from a second-class, amateur sport to the richest event in all of the Western performance world. He’s led his family—late wife Jan, son J.D., daughter Kelly, and grandson Trey—to become one o...

  • Mental Mistakes in the Throw

    Being able to think through a run rather than panic is critical in both heading and heeling. Watch Matt Sherwood make a mistake on his heeling delivery, and he explains why it was a mistake and what he should have done differently.

  • How To Manage The Pressure Of Not Wanting To Let Your Partner Down [JB]

  • The High Call (Mental) Game Plan [CC]

  • The High Call (Mental) Game [MS]