New Releases

  • Goat Roping 101

    The goal of goat roping is to master timing and loop placement, and in this video, Cesar de la Cruz explains his goat-roping practice routine.

  • The Ultimate NFR-Steer Dummy

    Cesar de la Cruz and his brother developed a special dummy for the cattle at the National Finals Rodeo, where the steers’ legs come out more wide-legged than at a normal rodeo. In this video, de la Cruz describes how he heels his “Clifford Franklin” dummy to master his coverage and timing on the ...

  • Hox and Pipe Sawhorse Session with Cesar de la Cruz

     Cesar de la Cruz believes the heel loop is never thrown; instead, he says it’s placed in position. He talks about how to finesse his heel loop to the ground with his fingertips without even swinging the rope.

  • Pulling Your Slack

    Lari Dee Guy and Hope Thompson demonstrate how important pulling your slack is and the role your left hand plays in pulling your slack correctly.

  • Analyzing Pedigree and Conformation on A&C Racing and Ropings Weanlings

  • Elbow, Rein and Coil Control

    The way you hold your coils and your reins affects your horsemanship as much as it affects your roping. Feeding with your rein-hand, improper coil position and improper elbow control all can be detrimental to your horsemanship and your roping. The 26-time World Champion Trevor Brazile explains why. 

  • DT Horses Masterclass: Slow Roping Session 2

    Fresh muleys are good for young horses because they keep moving forward. Dean Tuftin explains how they help train young, green horses to not worry about a hit in front of them because of the constant forward motion.

  • #9.5 All-Age Championship Part 2 | November 5, 2023 | Riata Buckle

    Watch the conclusion of the Riata Buckle on Nov. 5 starting at 8 a.m. CT. Sunday at the Riata Buckle features the #9.5 All-Age Championship.

    In its second installment, the Riata Buckle Stallion Incentive will payout at least $2.5 million to ropers, breeders and stallion owners at the Lazy E Are...

  • #10.5 All Age & JR Futurity Championship | Riata Buckle | November 4, 2023

    Nov. 4 at the Riata Buckle continues with All-Ages Championships and Junior Championships. Watch live starting at 8 a.m. CT!

    In its second installment, the Riata Buckle Stallion Incentive will payout at least $2.5 million to ropers, breeders and stallion owners at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, O...

  • #14.5 and #12.5 All-Age Championship | Riata Buckle | November 3, 2023

    Watch the Riata Buckle on Nov. 3 starting at 8 a.m. CT with the#14.5 All-Age Championship with $100,000 guaranteed followed by the #12.5 All-Age Championship with $650,000 in the pot!

    In its second installment, the Riata Buckle Stallion Incentive will payout at least $2.5 million to ropers, bree...

  • Breakaway and Pro Futurity Team Roping | Riata Buckle | November 2, 2023

    On Nov. 2 at 1 p.m. CT watch the $100,000 Riata Buckle Breakaway with a $25,000-guaranteed 4-Year-Old Incentive. Then, watch the Riata Buckle ProFuturity, $325,000-guaranteed Open 5-&-Under Futurity.

  • The Importance of Slow Practice Cattle

  • Throttle Across the Line

    What does throttling across the line mean and how is it an advantage? Lari Dee Guy and Hope Thompson explain throttling across the line to pace the calf.

  • DT Horses Masterclass: Slow Roping Warm-Up

    To introduce young horses to live cattle, DT Horses trail them around behind a lead steer in a circle. This is a great opportunity to introduce young horses to starting out of the box, too. Dean Tuftin explains how this is a nice warm-up before a roping session.

  • Famous Lil Jet, "Rollo"

    Justin Briggs talks about what it was like riding Rollo as a strong-willed 2-year-old to when he and Jordon knew the gelding was special.

  • Roping's Evolution 

    What forces team roping, and how has roping changed, since Jake Barnes and Clay O'Brien Cooper won their world titles? Barnes and Cooper talk about how they've seen the event become the premier event in Western sports. 

  • DT Horses Masterclass: Slow Roping Session 1

    When a horse doesn't read your seat, you can feel it. It makes a heeler feel like their horse isn't rating and that they're going to have to pull more. Dean Tuftin explains how to get a horse to read your seat and why it's important.

  • 2023 WSTR Finale Steer Break-In Footage

    Introducing the steers for the 2023 WSTR Finale.

  • DT Horses Masterclass: Circle Warm-Up Part 4

    Dean Tuftin explains why it's important for horses to want to be soft and respond to you in the way you need, without being scared of you.

  • DT Horses Masterclass: Circle Warm-Up Part 3

    It might seem simple, but focusing on circles when warming up on the dummy teaches a horse to go to work without anxiety. Dean Tuftin explains how the circle drill keeps a horse soft instead of bracing.

  • Sitting After a Run

    After a run, Lari Dee Guy likes to sit still to give her horse more confidence. Lari Dee walks through what she does after a run to help build up a low-confidence mare.

  • The Elusive 8th Gold Buckle

    How badly did Jake Barnes and Clay Cooper want an eighth gold buckle? And what did not winning it mean to them and their careers?

  • Training Horses Alongside Your Spouse

    Justin and Jordon Briggs have built Briggs Performance Horses by respecting each other's respective styles of riding and learning to complement one another in the process.

  • Practice Session on Ace

    In this practice session, Hope Thompson focuses on making correct rodeo-style runs on her horse Ace.