9 Seasons
Dive deep into the fundamentals of heeling in team roping with our instructional video collection, led by a lineup of coaches including Clay O'Brien Cooper, Rickey Green, Miles Baker, Joseph Harrison, Dakota Kirchenschlager and more. Our video library is organized into distinct subcategories, each designed to enhance your heeling skills:
Fundamentals: Build a strong foundation in heeling with comprehensive lessons on the core principles and techniques essential for success in team roping.
Dummy Work: Practice your heeling technique with purpose and precision using dummy work exercises that help you refine your accuracy and consistency.
Box Work & Scoring: Heel horses don’t get as much focused instruction in the box as head horses, but the way they stand and leave is still important for good position and timing down the arena.
Swing: Learn the nuances of achieving a balanced and effective swing, optimizing your chances of making precise catches during roping runs.
Delivery: Explore the mechanics of delivering your loop accurately and efficiently, enhancing your ability to rope the steer's hind legs consistently.
Dallying: Discover the intricacies of dallying, including proper technique and timing, to secure your catch and keep your fingers.
Stopping: Gain insights into stopping your horse effectively, maintaining control, and setting up the ideal shot for successful heeling.
Corner Work: Control your horse through the corner with proper position and spacing, ensuring you're in the right spot to execute flawless heel shots in various arena scenarios.
Position and Timing: Fine-tune your positioning and timing skills, crucial for achieving a higher catch percentage, better horsemanship and a more controlled run.
Our video collection offers a comprehensive and detailed exploration of these critical heeling subcategories, with guidance from world-class coaches who share their decades of experience and championship-winning strategies. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned heeler, our instructional videos will help you refine your skills, gain confidence, and excel in the exciting world of team roping. Start learning from the best today to elevate your heeling game to new heights.
02:21Episode 1
Understanding Heel Ropes
Episode 1
Clay O’Brien Cooper explains the way heel ropes are tied and the importance of understanding how to care for a rope in all climates.
07:33Episode 2
Heel Loop Angles
Episode 2
Clay O’Brien Cooper is the master of the heel loop, and in this video, he explains a common problem he sees with lower number heelers who come to his roping schools. Cooper explains how the angle of the heel loop stays consistent throughout the heeler’s delivery.
Settling the Great Heel Loop Delivery Debate Once and For All
Episode 3
Trap or scoop? Handshake? Thumbs in? How exactly does The Champ view the heel loop delivery? This video breaks down Clay O’Brien Cooper’s theory on delivering the heel loop, with Jake Barnes’ take, too.
02:06Episode 4
How to Get in Time with a Steer
Episode 4
Timing is everything. Clay O'Brien Cooper explains how to go one swing for one jump to get in time with a jumping steer.
01:16Episode 5
When Should You Pick Your Swing Up?
Episode 5
How and when do you know to get your rope up on the heel side? Travis Graves breaks down his experience.
04:12Episode 6
Ryan Motes Delivery & Draggers
Episode 6
01:52Episode 7
Why You Rope Your Horses Front Feet
Episode 7
What happens to cause a heeler to rope his horse's front feet? Wesley Thorp demonstrates and explains.
01:01Episode 8
A Flat Heel Loop
Episode 8
What angle should your loop have to give you the most coverage of the feet? Joseph Harrison explains.
How Tying On Changes a Heeler’s Delivery
Episode 9
In this archived video, the late, great teacher Rickey Green explains the intricacies of tying on when heeling.
00:58Episode 10
Guiding Your Heel Loop
Episode 10
Derrick Begay gives a roper a quick tip about guiding his heel loop to the feet rather than forcing it.
00:49Episode 11
Using a Bigger Loop
Episode 11
Some heelers prefer to use a lot of rope on the ground, and Tyler McKnight is one of them. In this video, he demonstrates how he throws a big loop and why.
03:35Episode 12
When to Feed and Swing the Heel Rope
Episode 12
Getting your rope up and ready after you find your position is critical in being ready to rope when your header turns the steer. In this video, American Champ Ryan Motes talks about how he scores and rides and then when and how he feeds his heel rope.
00:46Episode 13
Heel Rope Angle and the Bottom Strand
Episode 13
The angle of your swing affects the way your bottom strand drives to the ground. Matt Sherwood demonstrates how heel rope angle changes the bottom strand's connection with the ground and the feet.
02:24Episode 14
When NOT to Throw
Episode 14
In the practice pen, you don't always have to throw your rope. Miles Baker explains how stopping a heel horse instead of throwing your rope reiterates the frame a horse should be running in.
01:18Episode 15
Controlling Your Loop
Episode 15
Riding a strong horse through the corner means you've got to be intentional about controlling your heel loop. Matt Sherwood talks through a game plan on a horse he knows doesn't work in a way that lets him throw fast.
01:01Episode 16
Heel Swing Overhaul
Episode 16
World Champion Jeremy Buhler has retooled his heeling to help himself stay sharp. In this video, he explains what he's doing to get better and why when it comes to the mechanics of his loop and the position he rides.
00:30Episode 17
Slowing Down to be Fast
Episode 17
Clay Tryan talks through a quick, easy drill on the roping dummy to help improve your rope control and your slack speed.
00:42Episode 18
Heeling High Hopping Steers
Episode 18
Don’t get distracted by a steer with big hops. Two-time world champion Matt Sherwood talks about whether or not you should adjust your loop and your delivery on steers that really get air.
00:56Episode 19
How To Rope Fast Steers Faster [CC]
Episode 19
How To Follow All The Way Through With Your (Heeling) Delivery [CC]
Episode 20
00:56Episode 21
Catching Tips For Fast Steers [CC]
Episode 21
27:45Episode 22
Roping Close Heading & Heeling Delivery
Episode 22
01:06Episode 23
How To Finish Your Delivery [CC]
Episode 23
01:23Episode 24
How To Finish Your Delivery
Episode 24
How you rope the dummy determines what habits you create in your roping. Patrick Smith discusses how to ensure that your delivery is correct when roping the dummy.