According to Coleman Proctor, one of the biggest misconceptions lower-numbered ropers have is that when they get close, they have to rope both horns at the same time. In this video brought to you by Lone Star Ropes, Proctor explains the value of roping from right to left.“It was a big lesson I had to learn,” he says. “Something Speedy (Williams) really, really beat through my head. One thing I think that everybody needs to understand is that as we get close, the way our head rope works is I want to put my bottom strand down and bring it right to left across the horns.”
Up Next in Heading Fundamentals
Beginner | Basics of the Dally on the...
Jake Barnes introduces new-roper Ricky to team roping, and in this video Barnes him how to dally and how to practice dallying using the roping machine.
El Cabecero “Mala Suerte” | The “Bad ...
Aldo Garibay instrucción.
Missing a Low-Headed Steer
Dustin Egusquiza talks about why he missed one in the practice pen and what he should have done diff