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Pre-Rope Horse Futurity Practice Runs
Futurity Horse Prep
4m 39s
Trevor Brazile and Miles Baker put together a day's worth of runs on their young horses in the practice pen before the American Rope Horse Futurity Association World Championships.
Up Next in Futurity Horse Prep
Scoring and Facing Work on a 5-Year-O...
JD Yates is getting a 5-year-old, racing-bred gelding ready for a futurity. In this video, Yates works on getting him facing and scoring properly.
State of the Rope-Horse Industry: Equ...
Trevor Brazile, Miles Baker, Patrick Smith, Wesley Thorp, Justin Briggs, Billy Myers and Equinety's John Dowdy spent 30 minutes talking through the evolution of the rope horse industry, explaining where it's come from, where it's going and how the futurity industry is fueling the fire.