Dummy Roping With the Greats

Dummy Roping With the Greats

9 Seasons

Roping the dummy—on the ground and on horseback—is essential for success. Perfecting your form is the key; we have the ultimate playlist to help you level up!
Learn from legends like Trevor Brazile, Patrick Smith, Dean Tuftin, and more. Use the dropdown box below to train with more ropers.

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Dummy Roping With the Greats
  • Walk Drill on Dummy

    Episode 1

    Roping the breakaway dummy at a walk can help create muscle memory in your swing when you're running to a live calf. In this video, Lari Dee Guy and Hope Thompson demonstrate one of their favorite breakaway roping dummy drills.

  • Why Am I Roping My Calf Around the Eyes?

    Episode 2

    Lari Dee Guy explains the common reasons breakaway ropers rope their calves around the horns instead of around the neck. 

  • Dummy Roping Lesson

    Episode 3

    Lari Dee Guy walks us through making rope adjustments on a dummy. She discusses where the breakover on the rope should be, how to check it on the dummy and how the breakover affects accuracy.

  • Reaching

    Episode 4

    What are the key factors in reaching at a calf while breakaway roping? Lari Dee Guy demonstrates and talks about common problems in reaching.

  • Target

    Episode 5

    The breakaway roper's target is different than that of the header. In this video, Lari Dee Guy explains where she's focusing.