Dummy Roping With the Greats

Dummy Roping With the Greats

9 Seasons

Roping the dummy—on the ground and on horseback—is essential for success. Perfecting your form is the key; we have the ultimate playlist to help you level up!
Learn from legends like Trevor Brazile, Patrick Smith, Dean Tuftin, and more. Use the dropdown box below to train with more ropers.

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Dummy Roping With the Greats
  • Most Common Mistakes on The Smarty Pipes

    Episode 1

    “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.” In this video brought to you by Lone Star Ropes, Patrick Smith explains some of the most common mistakes ropers make when roping the Smarty Pipes—and how to fix them. “I think it’s really important that you rope the dummy on the gro...

  • Correct Delivery When Heeling

    Episode 2

    Roping the dummy is a great time to work on your fundamentals. Patrick Smith shares how to create good muscle memory in your delivery on the dummy.

  • How To Finish Your Delivery

    Episode 3

    How you rope the dummy determines what habits you create in your roping. Patrick Smith discusses how to ensure that your delivery is correct when roping the dummy.

  • Dummy Instruction with Patrick Smith | Legend

    Episode 4

    Angles and positioning are just as important on the dummy as they are on your heel horse. Patrick Smith explains these topics, and feeding your rope for maximum efficiency on the heel side in this video. Watch this clip from the Legend film.